What's been going on in the last week and a half? So much. I'm currently participating in the game that most college grads are forced to play for at least a few months, my case years. I mentioned in my last post that I had an important interview coming up for a job that I am more than excited about and it's done. It happened! And now I wait. I can't tell if I'll regret writing about it so openly because I have yet to find out about the decision! I'm fairly certain I am a top candidate, which some of you may think as great because it means that I'll definitely get it, but that's not entirely true. And worse, knowing that I'm so close is going to crush me if I don't get it. The position goes so well with my background and I think it would be great fuel for more writing!
While I waited… and continue to wait. Here are some of the things that I did and kept me entertained in the last week and a half when I wasn't working or singing.
In the last week of January I visited some family up in NY and CT because a year had passed since my amazing Aunt, Tanya Tutiven, passed away (mom's sister). We all gathered, had a mass ceremony and then caught up with family while remembering her beautiful smile and memories. Even though this picture was taken a few weeks ago, I thought it would be great to share a picture of some of my family members since I haven't quite gotten to do that yet. I'll have to remember to write a post about the amazing people in my family and get everyone familiar with them. Here is my mom on the left, me in the middle and my Aunt Pam (mom's sister) on the right. Us girls are always trying to live up the fab!

This is the card that I gave to Brandon on Valentine's Day. I laughed out loud when I saw it and it made boyfriend chuckle, too! As you guys saw from my last post, I'm not much into that cheesy stuff, though I shouldn't shun it considering the wonderful Vday we had. I worked on the actual day of celebration, but who cares! Hallmark can't tell me what to do! We decided to celebrate on Saturday instead and enjoyed a lovely meal at this new restaurant that we tried in the city called Valanni. It was a tapas style dining experience and my only failure during the meal is the fact that I managed to not take
one picture of the amazing food, but I don't feel too bad because in these days of social media, twitter, instagram and blogging (we all know I'm a huge fan of all those apps) it's hard to get some alone time to just sit and talk to each other without the disturbance of the phone going *BING* with some external and insignificant alert. It was nice for both of us to enjoy our time with just us.
After dinner, though, we headed to the Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts because Brandon purchased tickets for us to see the Philadelphia Orchestra perform Rachmaninoff. It was so good and refreshing. He knows how much I love music but most concerts are always the popular radio hits and classical music is what I actually grew up on and how I learned how to read and practice music. We had box seats and everything. I do have some snips from inside the theater looking down at the orchestra for you to enjoy! It was absolutely gorgeous inside and reminded me of my dad because he is always finding new events to take me to when I visit Miami.
Pretty Right?
Okay, so then came the week of the Interview and it was supposed to be on Tuesday as I mentioned in my last post, however due to weather conditions which are, by the way, becoming most annoying as I'm desperate for some sign of Spring, the company postponed the interview for safety reasons. I really appreciated that. Anyway, Thursday arrives, my interview date, and here is some snip snaps from that day.

I love this outfit! It's chic and still professional! A friend of mine told me I looked perfect for the part. I had a badge and everything which was exciting. I crossed out the company and location for obvious reasons but if I get the job I'll definitely share :D. Look at the inside of the building, how pretty! I think that overall the interview went well. As always there are questions that are unexpected, but I think I handled them the best that I could, hopefully I get a chance to share my creativity with them more! To get my mind off the stressful times Brandon and I headed out to the outlets to see if there were any good deals left over from President's Day, but we're all about saving right now so we were pretty pathetic in our shopping spree. However, I did see these amazing oxfords and I thought they would be so cute for spring! Brandon wasn't shy to show his disgust for them however, fortunately we had a big laugh about it! Especially because I mentioned that girls don't dress for guys, especially when my guy has been with me for over two years. That's it, he loves me already and I'll promise not to wear the oxfords around him, just like how I don't wear my flower printed pants around him either.

Do you like Oxfords? Tell me! I wanna know how everyone else feels about them!
As we walked away from the shoes, regrettably, we laughed together because he agreed the shoes would be better than me getting bangs. But what's a girl to do when she wants to change up her look! I did some research and found a way to give myself some fake bangs for a one day do. And I LOVE it! Brandon even gave me kudos on finding a way to change it up, looking realistic and not compromising. I genuinely can't get real bangs even if I wanted them (which I don't, just to clarify - I just like mixing things up occasionally) because my hair is curly and that would not make for an easy hair routine, not to mention the horror of growing them out. I'm happy with my hair right now. Still, you have to see how great this came out!
Pretty cool right? If you want to try to it at home, here are the steps! Let me know if it works for you!
1. High Ponytail
2. Take half of hair in pony and bring to the front, bobby pin!
3. Wrap the back portion around the top like a bun!
4. Style and fix to make it look as you wish! ;)
Finally, this week has gone by a bit easier because I had not one, but two, nights to indulge in my 2014 guilty pleasure… The Bachelor! I know, I KNOW! How sinful! I have genuinely never watched the show before and had no interest in it before this season and the way I got into it was because Brandon's sister joked about it and I saw some updates on E!News. When I realized that he's hispanic, I couldn't hold back. For anyone watching the show and wondering if that really is how hispanic guys talk to girls the answer is not so black and white. You have the classy hispanic men who, though they do not speak english perfectly, still are able to communicate in a way that is not seen as condescending or shallow, overall they're very chivalrous. Then you have the macho macho hispanic guy that is usually from South Florida (I'm allowed to say this because I'm from Miami, otherwise back off! This is my hometown, so only I can make fun) and he will touch your face all day while baby talking you and asking you for little kisses, "aye dame besitos." It's just TOO cheesy and it is so funny! By the way if you're ever having a day when you're feeling a bit down, go read the twitter feed for #TheBachelor and I can guarantee you'll be laughing so hard your abs will ask for forgiveness. I saw this on Pintrest last night and was cracking up!

Well, it's time for some breakfast and more waiting. Hope you enjoyed and wish me luck!